Are you sure you want to make "^0" the startup application?
BUUURP! There isn't enough room on disk to save the contents of the Clipboard.
You can delete stuff by putting it in the Garbage. It will be eaten by Gene, who is always hungry. His tongue is down to his kneecaps with anticipation! YEEECCCCHHH!
Now we both know that the name of the first program you want me to run (which makes me SOO HAPPY), can't be that long. Okay?
Disks can only be moved onto other disks. Simple mistake...
Hi there! Please, there's enough trash in this world without you copying it!
Please! The startup disk is sacred to the Banana Jr. PC!
Are you sure you want to throw away "^0" which contains a system file?
Hi There! You can't throw away something in a locked folder or disk. You understand, right?
Are you sure you want to throw away the system file "^0"?
Are you sure you want to remove the application "^0"?
Are you sure you want to remove the application(s) in "^0"?
Sorry, but that item is locked or in use, and can't be removed.
Sorry, but that folder/disk contains items that are locked or in use...I can't remove them...
Sorry, guys, I'm afraid that may not be duplicated or moved.
Hi There! I'm afraid I can't move or duplicate some of this! Sorry!
Hi There! How about moving things from one disk at a time. It'd really make me happy!
Hi There! Slow down! There are too many items to open or print. Try again with fewer items.
Hi there! Couldn't create the desktop file. Unlock the disk and try again, holding down both the Command and Option keys. Okey-Dokey?
Burp! The disk is so full that the desktop file can't be created.
Hi! Please unlock the disk! Also, I'm hungry! (just kidding) Have a nice day!
Burp! Hi There! The disk is so full that the folder and comment changes couldn't be recorded.
Hi there! That is the startup disk; its contents can't be replaced.
Hi There! You don't really want to erase my startup disk, do you?
Hi There! The copy didn't work. Boy, are you in trouble now!!!
Hi There! It stinks in the trash, won't you take it out first!
Hi There! Please select a puppy to print and choose Print again!!
Hi There! You can't print all this at once, be reasonable! Bye!
Hi There! Be kind, move disks by themselves! They're loners!
Oops! The folder/disk is locked or belongs to a locked folder.
Gee, you really should open documents of the same kind!
Hi there! One application at a time! Aren't we in a hurry!!
Please, one by one! Have a nice day!
BRRR! Enough windows are open!
Hi There! You can't put that in this folder!
Sorry guys, I'm running low on memory, I can't duplicate!
Hi There! No room left, guys, I'm afraid you'll have to do something different!
Hi there! Don't Crowd! Drag fewer at a time, and have a NICE day!
Hi there! Verbose today, Aren't we? I'd be really happy if you used a shorter name! Bye!
Aren't we redundant today? Try a different name for the gipper!
Hi! Initialize disks only, please!
I'm afraid I have bad news for you, I can't use this disk!
Hi! Silly me, I don't know how to open this puppy! Sorry!
The disk "^0" needs minor repairs. Do you want to repair it? All documents in folders will move back to the disk window.
Hi there! I'm afraid I can't do this replacement, guys! Something is locked or in use! Don't panic!